From Exxon's "break free" ad to BP's "Investing in America" campaign, Chevron's "Energy in Progress" spots to API's "the solution to everything is more oil and gas" Out Here campaign, the industry seems to have coalesced around a new story that's actually a very old one. These ads focus on a combination of energy security and nationalism that has been the narrative foundation of the industry for more than a century. They remind us that we need energy now (especially to move around--energy allowing us to move is a big theme in all of these), and that the more American energy we make, the better for everyone. Who could argue with that except someone who's anti-American? There are still the occasional old-school greenwashing ads, sure. Chevron loves to talk about "carbon intensity" and "renewable biogas," for example. But for the most part, the industry seems to have stopped trying to convince us that it's part of the solution (hard to do with BP, Exxon, Total, and Shell all walking back climate commitments in recent months), and gone back to reminding us that we need it and should be grateful for it.